June 9-11, 2023
Chicago, Illinois

Campion Scholarship Fund at Marquette University

In addition to gathering together, we are also raising money for the Campion Scholarship Fund at Marquette University. Started by alumni from the class of 1972 and family members of deceased classmates, this Campion legacy fund currently provides a partial scholarship to a deserving graduate of one of these Cristo Rey High Schools in the Midwest province. Eligible students will be graduates of: Christ the King Jesuit College Prep (Chicago), Cristo Rey Jesuit High School (Chicago), Cristo Rey Jesuit High School (Milwaukee), Cristo Rey Jesuit High School (Minneapolis), and Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep (Waukegan, Illinois).

The first scholarship was awarded in the fall of 2022. As of September 2022, generous benefactors have contributed approximately $152, 000 to the Campion Scholarship Fund. The fundraising goal of $1.25 million in donations from all Campion alumni and families will provide at least a partial annual scholarship to one graduate from each of the five Cristo Rey beneficiary schools each year.

To view the 2022 fiscal year report on the scholarship, click here. For further information on the Campion Scholarship Fund at Marquette University, click here.

To make a tax-deductible contribution online to the Campion Scholarship Fund at Marquette University, click here. 

If you would like to contribute by mail, download this donation form and send it in with your check payable to Marquette University at:
Marquette University Advancement
P.O. Box 7013
Carol Stream, IL 60197-7013

If you have questions about how to make a donation, contact Lisa Scalessi, Director of Development at Marquette University, at lisa.scalessi@marquette.edu.

Campion 2023 Reunion Committee

Richard Muench ’51
Burke MacDonald ’60
Bob Kelley ’69

Chris O’Brien ’70
Chas Gore ’72
Mike Brennan ’75
Marty Paulson ’75

Perran Wetzel ’75
Brian Paulson, SJ ’77
Fr. Andy Thon, SJ

Honorary Committee Chairman
Jack Coupe ’47

The Campion Reunion Committee is supported by the Midwest Jesuits. Questions? Contact the reunion committee at campionallclassreunion@gmail.com or Pat Kennedy at pkennedy@jesuits.org.

Class Captains

Bill Lederer ’51
Doug Lipke ’71

Tom Leyden ’72
Mike McVary 

Mike Panozzo ’76
Bob Gerth ’77