Thelen, Albert R. (Father)

January 17, 2025

Let us pray in thanksgiving for the life of Fr. Albert R. Thelen, SJ, who died on January 17, 2025 at St. Camillus Jesuit Community in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. He was 91 years old. May he rest in peace.

Let us pray in thanksgiving for the life of Fr. Albert R. Thelen, SJ, who died on January 17, 2025 at St. Camillus Jesuit Community in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. He was 91 years old. May he rest in peace.

Bert was preceded in death by his parents Claude and Virginia (Klatte) Thelen and his sisters Mary, Carole, Ellen, Nancy, and Paula. He is survived by his sister Claudia Spaulding and many nieces and nephews.

Bert was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on October 25, 1933. Before entering the Society, Bert earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Marquette University (1955). He entered the Wisconsin Province of the Society of Jesus on August 25, 1956 at the Jesuit novitiate in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. He was ordained on June 4, 1968 at the Church of the Gesu in Milwaukee and pronounced final vows on April 22, 1976 at Creighton Preparatory School in Omaha, Nebraska.

While in the Society, Bert earned a master’s degree in English from Marquette University (1962) and a master’s degree in theology from St. Mary’s College in St. Mary’s, Kansas (1967). He also earned a licentiates in philosophy (1962) and sacred theology (1969) from Saint Louis University. In addition, Bert studied education at Harvard University (1976-1977).

During regency, Bert taught English at Creighton Preparatory School (1962-1965). After ordination, he returned to Creighton Preparatory School and taught theology (1969-1976). Following studies at Harvard University, Bert was the director of campus ministry at Marquette University (1977-1979) before being missioned to internal governance at the Wisconsin Province office where he was the formation director and provincial assistant for pastoral and social ministries (1979-1985) and provincial assistant for secondary education (1985-1988). While working in the province office, Bert also was the rector of the Marquette University High School Jesuit Community (1985-1988) and the Marquette University Jesuit Community (1988-1989). Bert served provincial of the Wisconsin Province from 1989-1995.

After a sabbatical, Bert was pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Pine Ridge, South Dakota for a year (1996-1997) before being missioned to Omaha where he served until 2013. He was the director of campus ministry at Creighton University (1997-2002), pastor at St. John’s Parish (1997-2011), and executive director of Cardoner, the vocation reflection program, at Creighton University (2002-2011). In addition, Bert was also the pastor of St. Benedict’s Parish in Omaha (2006-2011) and the Wisconsin Province’s ecclesial assistant for Christian Life Community (2011-2013). In 2022, Bert was missioned to the St. Camillus Jesuit Community to pray for the Church and the Society.

Bert was a devoted priest and Jesuit. He was an engaging communicator who encouraged and energized others. He tried to “read the signs of the times” and listen to where the Holy Spirit was guiding him, the Church, and the Society of Jesus. Bert felt deeply and spoke eloquently about the role of women in the Church, collaboration between the laity and the clergy, ecology and the need to care for the earth, and the “Cosmic Christ” leading to the unification of people with one another and with all of creation.

Fr. George Winzenburg, SJ, the superior of the St. Camillus Jesuit Community had these thoughts:

Bert was comfortable in his own skin and was not threatened or deterred by any challenge that came his way. He exuded confidence and expected positive outcomes, whether he was fishing, playing cards, or addressing conflicts that upset or worried people. Bert was a creative thinker, a masterful communicator, and a natural animator. He told jokes and used storytelling to draw people together and get them to believe they could act as a community. Bert put family and friends of all ages at ease and got them to laugh. He helped them to see beauty and goodness in themselves and others and to live joyfully. Bert encouraged people who were hungry for God to discern where God was leading them. This led to the creation of the Ignatian Associates. Bert’s legacy is evident in the many cohorts who are committed to the vision of St. Ignatius and his spirituality and the ministries of the Society of Jesus.

Two retired teachers at Marquette University High School had these tributes to Bert.

Carol Hardtke wrote:

Such a kind, funny, and welcoming presence, Bert has been a friend to so many of us throughout his life, especially during the years he worked with us at MUHS. You may recall being recruited by Bert for the Spiritual Enrichment Committee (SEC), encouraging everyone to be involved in spiritual exercise groups, retreat planning, and involvement in community spiritual and social activities.

Luigi Schmitt said: “No one did more to bring us all together like Bert did.