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Seven Midwest Jesuits pronounced First Vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience on August 7 at Saint Thomas More Catholic Church

The USA Midwest Province was formed in June 2017 from the former Chicago, Chicago-Detroit, Detroit, and Wisconsin provinces, and encompasses

Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky, but has resided in Chicago since 2013 School(s) Attended: Saint Louis University and Loyola University Chicago Institute

Fr. Louis E. Busemeyer, SJ December 21,1938 – January 26, 2020 “Lou spent most of his Jesuit life working in

By Grace Rice The notion of Jesuits as “companions” dates back to the earliest days of the Society of Jesus,

By Fr. Dan McDonald, SJ On March 11, 2019, Fr. Brian Paulson, SJ, gave his permission and blessing to move

By Grace Rice Many orders of priests have a corresponding order of sisters. The Jesuits do not—although numerous orders of

By Michael Austin It’s been 40 years since J. R. R. Tolkien scholar Mike Witt received the letter. Today the

By Amy Korpi While growing up in Kentucky, Fr. Al Fritsch, SJ, knew he wanted to be a scientist. He

Dear Friends, When we last met in these pages, I was singing the virtues of the lay and Jesuit collaboration

Ordination 2020 ABOUT THE COVER Midwest Jesuit Fr. Joshua Peters, SJ, was ordained by the Most Rev. Donald F.

November 6, 2019 — On October 19, Midwest Jesuit Joshua Peters, SJ, along with four other Jesuits, was ordained to