Seminars in Ignatian Formation (SIF) Details

About SIF
SIF is comprised of three annual seminars that meet every other week from September through early May. Seminar I will begin in Fall 2019. Beginning in Fall 2020, Seminars I & II will run concurrently; and beginning in Fall 2021, Seminars I, II, & III will run concurrently.

Seminar I
Basic Christian Anthropology (the Bible; God: Father, Son, and Spirit, with emphasis on Jesus Christ; grace, sin, prayer; psycho-sexual development; Ignatian Spirituality and Christian leadership)

Seminar II
Ignatian Spirituality Theory and Practice: Christian Life through the Spiritual Exercises and General Spiritual Direction Practice

Seminar III
Ignatian Spirituality Practicum: Giving the Spiritual Exercises under Supervision

$2000 per Seminar. This does not include the cost of books or spiritual director fees. Participants in Seminar I are strongly encouraged to have a spiritual director. Participants who expect to take all three Seminars and, thus, train to become directors of the complete Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, must have made the complete Exercises prior to Seminar III. Directors of the 30-day or 30-week version of the Spiritual Exercises typically charge between $600 and $1200 for their direction of the complete Exercises.

Home base for SIF will be at the original Jesuit parish church in Chicago, and the city’s second oldest Roman Catholic Church, Holy Family Parish. Holy Family can be accessed from the major highways in and out of Chicago (I-90/94 from the north and south, 88/290 from the west, and 55 from the southwest). Free parking.

Burke-Gearing Parish Center
Holy Family Parish
1080W. Roosevelt Road
Chicago, IL 60608

In its “pilot” year, 2019-2020, in addition to a Chicago cohort, arrangements will be made to bring Seminar I to a cohort in Milwaukee.

SIF is intended for all Christians who want to deepen their understanding of God and discipleship in today’s world along the lines of Ignatian spirituality and leadership, as well as for those who want to train to be spiritual directors with the specialization of giving the complete Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, the founder of the Jesuits.

Seminar I is open to all adult Christians, but it must be taken by those SIF participants with little, or no, biblical-theological background who intend to train to be spiritual directors and givers of the Spiritual Exercises. Participants in SIF who already have a verifiable theological background can be approved to omit Seminar I and proceed to Seminars II & III.

Dr. Rita Dollard-O’Malley, D.Min or Rev. Stephen T. Krupa, SJ, Ph.D.

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