It is with tremendous joy that the Midwest Jesuits introduce the 10 men who entered the USA Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus at the Jesuit Novitiate of St. Alberto Hurtado in St. Paul, Minn., on August 17, 2019: [back row:] David Herr, Noah Banasiewicz, Ryan Serfas, Brian Burtka, Min Keun “Daniel” Park; [front row:] Thomas Doran, Evan Krummel, John “Ty” Wahlbrink, Nathaniel Cortas, Benjamin Jansen.
David, 23, graduated from Cathedral High School in El Paso, Texas. He earned a bachelor’s in computing and the arts from Yale University, where he sang with the Yale Whiffenpoofs, an a cappella group. Influencing his decision to join the Society was a formative volunteer experience at a refugee center in El Paso with Jesuit novices. He enjoys marathon running and squash and has walked part of the Camino Portugues, visited over 30 countries and cantored at his local parish.