Midwest Jesuits Welcome 10 New Novices

The 2019 class of new Midwest Jesuit novices

It is with tremendous joy that the Midwest Jesuits introduce the 10 men who entered the USA Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus at the Jesuit Novitiate of St. Alberto Hurtado in St. Paul, Minn., on August 17, 2019: [back row:] David Herr, Noah Banasiewicz, Ryan Serfas, Brian Burtka, Min Keun “Daniel” Park; [front row:] Thomas Doran, Evan Krummel, John “Ty” Wahlbrink, Nathaniel Cortas, Benjamin Jansen.

Kevin Lee

Hometown: Charlottesville, Virginia
Province: USA West

Kevin, 23, is from Virginia, but has called five states home. After he graduated from the University of Virginia with bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and physics, Kevin joined the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, serving as the youth minister at Dolores Mission Parish in Los Angeles. Kevin enjoys board games, video games and turning whatever he can find into a percussion instrument.