Midwest Jesuits Welcome 10 New Novices

The 2019 class of new Midwest Jesuit novices

It is with tremendous joy that the Midwest Jesuits introduce the 10 men who entered the USA Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus at the Jesuit Novitiate of St. Alberto Hurtado in St. Paul, Minn., on August 17, 2019: [back row:] David Herr, Noah Banasiewicz, Ryan Serfas, Brian Burtka, Min Keun “Daniel” Park; [front row:] Thomas Doran, Evan Krummel, John “Ty” Wahlbrink, Nathaniel Cortas, Benjamin Jansen.

Min Keun Daniel Park

Hometown: Northbrook, Illinois
Province: USA Midwest

Daniel, 32, was born and raised in South Korea until his family immigrated to the north suburbs of Chicago in 1999 when Daniel was 12. He attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he studied world literature. He has worked as an associate at a CPA firm and as an assistant manager at MCA Corporation. Daniel began discerning God’s call during his confirmation retreat and while serving as a catechist at his home parish of St. Paul Chong Ha Sang in Des Plaines, Illinois. He became aware of the Jesuits through the Christian Life Community and his parish. Daniel enjoys playing table tennis, video games and board games.