It is with tremendous joy that the Midwest Jesuits introduce the 10 men who entered the USA Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus at the Jesuit Novitiate of St. Alberto Hurtado in St. Paul, Minn., on August 17, 2019: [back row:] David Herr, Noah Banasiewicz, Ryan Serfas, Brian Burtka, Min Keun “Daniel” Park; [front row:] Thomas Doran, Evan Krummel, John “Ty” Wahlbrink, Nathaniel Cortas, Benjamin Jansen.
Nate, 22, is a recent graduate of the University of Kentucky (UK), where he studied as a Gaines Fellow in the Humanities and earned a degree in English and music. While at UK, he worked as an editorial assistant for an academic journal, performed with the university’s wind symphony and men’s chorus and was involved in the Newman Center. A native of Louisville, he first encountered the Society of Jesus through the writings of Jesuits James Martin, Gerard Manley Hopkins and Daniel Berrigan while in high school. He enjoys reading and writing poetry, cooking, taking long walks with friends and watching college basketball.