It is with tremendous joy that the Midwest Jesuits introduce the 10 men who entered the USA Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus at the Jesuit Novitiate of St. Alberto Hurtado in St. Paul, Minn., on August 17, 2019: [back row:] David Herr, Noah Banasiewicz, Ryan Serfas, Brian Burtka, Min Keun “Daniel” Park; [front row:] Thomas Doran, Evan Krummel, John “Ty” Wahlbrink, Nathaniel Cortas, Benjamin Jansen.
Thomas, 22, was first exposed to the Society of Jesus at Creighton Preparatory School in Omaha where he ran track and cross-country. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a major in theology and minors in philosophy, Catholic social tradition and Italian. There, he participated in the Rome International Scholars Program, which allowed him to intern with the Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation and study at the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies. Many conversations with religious and others influenced his decision to enter the Jesuits, but the most impactful were those with homeless people, migrants and refugees in Omaha, at the U.S.-Mexico border and across the Mediterranean Sea Basin. His favorite hobbies are centered on time in nature — running, fishing, backpacking, disc golfing and yardwork.
Jose, 27, graduated from the University of California, Irvine with a bachelor’s in psychology. After graduation Jose worked at Catholic Charities as a client resources coordinator in assisting low-income families with basic needs and support. He volunteered in two of his local parishes, helping in confirmation, youth ministry and hospitality for Mass. Jose enjoys company with friends, grounding (a therapeutic technique for relaxation and reducing stress) at the beach and walking his pugs, Milo and Simba.
David, 25, grew up on a farm outside of Fontanelle, Iowa. He studied psychology at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, where he was introduced to the Society of Jesus and became familiar with Ignatian spirituality. He studied clinical psychology at Missouri State University and after graduation worked as a therapist and couples counselor. David has enjoyed teaching the Catholic faith and spirituality as a 7th and 8th grade catechist and adult RCIA instructor. In his free time, David likes playing a variety of musical instruments.
Michael, 30, attended Fairfield College Preparatory School in Fairfield, Connecticut. He received a bachelor’s in religion and English literature and a master’s in English literature from Middlebury College in Middlebury, Vermont. Previously he served as a high school theology teacher, as well as assistant director of faith formation and youth ministry at St. Philip Parish in Norwalk, Connecticut. He led worship music on Sundays at Assumption Parish in Ansonia, Connecticut. Michael’s hobbies include rugby and playing the guitar and drums.
RJ, 31, graduated from West Virginia University with a bachelor’s in chemistry and a master’s in secondary education in 2011 and a Doctor of Pharmacy in 2018. He was a high school science teacher for four years, a math and science summer camp teacher for three summers and a pharmacy intern at a community hospital for two years. He enjoys traveling, photography, hiking, singing karaoke, watching movies, trivia games, reading and spending time with family and friends.
Daniel, 32, was born and raised in South Korea until his family immigrated to the north suburbs of Chicago in 1999 when Daniel was 12. He attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he studied world literature. He has worked as an associate at a CPA firm and as an assistant manager at MCA Corporation. Daniel began discerning God’s call during his confirmation retreat and while serving as a catechist at his home parish of St. Paul Chong Ha Sang in Des Plaines, Illinois. He became aware of the Jesuits through the Christian Life Community and his parish. Daniel enjoys playing table tennis, video games and board games.
Ben, 34, studied Japanese at the University of Hawaii and Nanzan University in Nagoya, Japan, before working in hotel management in Waikiki. He returned to his science roots and worked in a biomedical engineering lab before completing preclinical studies at the Indiana University School of Medicine. Ben spent the past two years working as a medical writer for a health care marketing firm while discerning a religious vocation. He first encountered Jesuit spirituality while learning about St. Francis Xavier during his time in Japan and has continued to explore the order through the works of Walter Ciszek, SJ; James Martin, SJ; and others. Ben enjoys astronomy, running, tennis, cooking, reading and playing strategic board games with friends.
Joseph, 20, attended McGill-Toolen High School in Mobile, where he played football, basketball and baseball. He was active in the Latin and chess clubs and wrote for the literary magazine. Joe then entered the seminary for the Archdiocese of Mobile. Already inspired by the lives of Sts. Ignatius, Francis Xavier and Jean de Brebeuf, Joe found his call to the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience nurtured at St. Joseph’s Seminary College. Last year, he assisted with the Life Teen program at St. Ignatius Parish in Mobile.
Jacob, 31, earned an associate degree in culinary arts and management and a bachelor’s in English and psychology at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida. He was received into the Catholic Church in 2011. Jacob taught for three years at Lincoln International Academy in Managua, Nicaragua, while earning a master’s in education from Framingham State University in Framingham, Massachusetts. He returned to his hometown of Birmingham last year to teach English at John Carroll High School. Traveling throughout Latin America and living in Nicaragua introduced Jacob to the transformative beauty of God’s love in action.
Ryan, 22, was born in Omaha, Nebraska, and was raised in Edwardsville, Illinois, a suburb of St. Louis. Ryan is a recent graduate of Marquette University, where he earned a bachelor’s in mechanical engineering. While at Marquette, Ryan participated in the all-male a cappella group, the liturgical choir and various intramural sports and led retreats. Ryan first encountered the Society of Jesus at Marquette, where he began discerning his call to the Jesuit priesthood. Ryan enjoys singing and playing piano and guitar. He also likes to play board games, card games and many sports, including disc golf and ping-pong.
Richard, 26, attended Saint Louis University where he was involved in student government, peer education programs and campus ministry. After graduating with a bachelor’s in theological studies in 2015, he joined the Jesuits’ Alum Service Corps and taught at Rockhurst High School in Kansas City. Richard then taught theology and directed the campus ministry program at Xavier College Prep in Palm Desert, California. During the summer of 2017, his relationship with Christ was deepened by his encounters with people and nature as he traveled the Camino de Santiago in Spain.
David, 23, graduated from Cathedral High School in El Paso, Texas. He earned a bachelor’s in computing and the arts from Yale University, where he sang with the Yale Whiffenpoofs, an a cappella group. Influencing his decision to join the Society was a formative volunteer experience at a refugee center in El Paso with Jesuit novices. He enjoys marathon running and squash and has walked part of the Camino Portugues, visited over 30 countries and cantored at his local parish.
Evan, 26, graduated from St. Norbert College in De Pere in 2015 with a bachelor’s in English. After graduating, he worked in both corporate recruiting and the financial services industry. Evan learned about the Jesuits through retreats, classmates, spiritual direction and the writings of James Martin, SJ. Evan enjoys live music, volunteering in his community, comedy shows and just about anything that entails a little competitive spirit.
Mario, 33, earned bachelor’s degrees in philosophy and psychology from Syracuse University in New York. He also holds a master’s in liberal arts from St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Prior to joining the Society, he was a substitute teacher and a bartender and server. He enjoys soul music (including Otis Redding and Sam Cooke), Boston professional sports, Syracuse football, hiking and walks on the beach.
Luke, 22, attended the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, earning a bachelor’s in history with an anthropology minor and peace and conflict studies concentration. He was a student captain at Kimball Dining Hall, a supervisor of a shift of student workers. He enjoys reading and running and is a fan of the Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots.
Ty, 25, attended the University of Cincinnati for both his bachelor’s and master’s in applied economics. After graduating, he worked as an econometrician in a leadership program at a regional bank.Ty learned about the Jesuits through literature, social media and America Media. Ty enjoys discussing politics, watching soccer, hiking in national parks and playing pickleball.
Toto, 21, graduated from National High School Charlemagne Péralte in Saint-Raphaël, Haiti, in 2017. He was part of a group who trained the residents of Saint-Raphaël in self-leadership and worked in the parish office. He also gave retreats to candidates for the sacraments of baptism and Communion. His hobbies include soccer, basketball and playing music. He is just starting to learn bass guitar.
Kevin, 23, is from Virginia, but has called five states home. After he graduated from the University of Virginia with bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and physics, Kevin joined the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, serving as the youth minister at Dolores Mission Parish in Los Angeles. Kevin enjoys board games, video games and turning whatever he can find into a percussion instrument.
Christian, 23, graduated from Fordham University in the Bronx, New York, with a bachelor’s in applied mathematics. He was a math and computer science teacher and assistant coach and strength trainer at Canisius High School in Buffalo, New York, for one year. He also served as sacristan, altar server, liturgical coordinator and service trips leader with Fordham Campus Ministry and did technical support for internet services with Fordham IT. He enjoys soccer, running, cooking, computer coding, video games and weight lifting.
Nick, 26, graduated from Rutgers University-Newark in New Jersey with a bachelor’s in history. He received a master’s in church management at Villanova University in Villanova, Pennsylvania. He was a pastoral associate at St. Teresa of Avila Church in Summit, New Jersey, director of faith formation and office manager at St. Lawrence Church in Weehawken, New Jersey and director of faith formation at Ss. Peter and Paul Church in Hoboken, New Jersey.
Noah, 21, graduated from the International Baccalaureate program at Princess Anne High School in Virginia Beach. He first encountered the Jesuits during his preparation for confirmation while his older brother was a student at Fordham University, and quickly fell in love with the writings and spirituality of St. Ignatius. After high school, he studied at Loyola University Chicago and worked as an intern for the fund accounting team at an alternative investment firm in Minneapolis. Noah enjoys reading and writing, playing volleyball and brewing coffee.
Rob, 41, attended St. Xavier High School and Xavier University in Cincinnati. He earned a bachelor’s in biology with a minor in theology. He was a park ranger with the National Park Service for the past 15 years and served in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps in Sacramento, California. Rob has traveled extensively in all 50 states and hiked/backpacked in 51 national parks. He enjoys lifting weights, “Lord of the Rings” and nature and history documentaries.
Brian, 21, graduated from the University of Detroit Jesuit High School & Academy in 2016. While at U of D Jesuit he became acquainted with the Jesuits and began to discern God’s call. He attended Michigan Technological University where he graduated with a bachelor’s in chemistry in 2018. After graduation, Brian spent a semester as an intern doing research in science and engineering at Argonne National Lab in the Chicago area. Brian enjoys learning about and reenacting the American Civil War, spending time with friends and playing strategy games.
Manuel, 21, attended the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico in Ponce. He served with the youth group and as an altar server in his home parish of San José. He assisted with various pastoral groups and ministries at Parroquia Santos Ángeles in Yabucoa as part of his formation as a diocesan seminarian. At the seminary, Manuel learned about the spirituality and the lives of Jesuits, which motivated him to further discern a call to life in the Society. Last summer, Manuel was an evangelist and catechist with Obras Misionales Pontificias in the Amazon region of Colombia.
Chris, 34, earned a bachelor’s in civil engineering from Cal Poly Pomona in Pomona, California. He earned his professional engineering license in California and has worked as a design engineer for the past 12 years in California’s Inland Empire, specializing in stormwater and water quality. He served as a sacristan and was involved in the Divine Mercy prayer group at his local parish. Chris enjoys playing and watching sports (especially soccer), fishing and working out.
Pether, 21, graduated from the Lycée National de Saint-Jean-du-Sud in Haiti in 2017. He volunteered with Foi et Joie and at L’Arche de Chantal and enjoys classical music and soccer.
Lucson, 21, graduated from the National High School of Cité Soleil in Haiti in July 2017. He attended the Congregational School Dominique Savio, Eugène de Mazenod College in Plaine du Cul-de-Sac, and the Cultural Center of Saint Vincent de Paul in Cité Soleil, where he also worked as a biology teacher. He was vice president of the Vincentian Marian Youth Group in his parish and volunteered with the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, a home for the elderly, and among missionaries of the poor. Lucson enjoys reading, music, television, video games and basketball.
Bryan, 42, attended Memorial University of Newfoundland, earning a bachelor’s in English literature and philosophy. He completed coursework toward graduate studies from St. Patrick’s College, National University of Ireland, Maynooth Campus. He holds a Cambridge Certification in English Language Teaching to Adults and worked as a language instructor in South Korea, Yemen and Qatar for the College of the North Atlantic, a Newfoundland-based technical teaching institute. Previously, he worked in privacy management, as a supervisor with at-risk youth in the St. John’s area and with ex-offenders as a coordinator with the John Howard Society. He volunteered with the northeast Avalon, Newfoundland and Labrador ground search and rescue team, the ROVERS.
Nate, 22, is a recent graduate of the University of Kentucky (UK), where he studied as a Gaines Fellow in the Humanities and earned a degree in English and music. While at UK, he worked as an editorial assistant for an academic journal, performed with the university’s wind symphony and men’s chorus and was involved in the Newman Center. A native of Louisville, he first encountered the Society of Jesus through the writings of Jesuits James Martin, Gerard Manley Hopkins and Daniel Berrigan while in high school. He enjoys reading and writing poetry, cooking, taking long walks with friends and watching college basketball.
Bruce, 25, graduated from Washington and Lee University with a bachelor’s in classics, philosophy and history. He earned a Master of Divinity from Duke University in 2019. He also enjoys studying the Bible, biology and politics. He was deeply influenced and inspired by the Jesuit chaplains he met while studying abroad at Hertford College in Oxford, England, as well as by the biographies of Jesuit missionaries.
Giovanni, 28, completed a bachelor’s in philosophy at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome and continued theological studies at the University of Navarra in Spain. He was the pastoral director and a teacher of ethics and religion at the San Juan Bosco Salesian College in Cantera, San Juan, Puerto Rico, while working toward a master’s in history at the Pontifical Catholic University in Ponce. Giovanni assisted with the Salesian social project and served as a tutor in the youth program in one of the poorest sectors in San Juan.
Mahens, 20, attended National High School Charlemagne Péralte in Saint-Raphaël, Haiti, graduating in 2017. He studied communication and journalism at the Alliance École Professionnelle and office automation at the Wonderful Institute in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. He enjoys watching television, listening to music and soccer. He learned of the Society from a visiting seminarian and was inspired by the story of St. Ignatius.