The Gift of the Spiritual Exercises

Saint Ignatius of Loyola gave his Spiritual Exercises as a gift of the Holy Spirit to the whole Church.  Now more than ever, we need what the Spiritual Exercises can offer us, namely, to seek and to find a deeper relationship with God, who wants to set us free and to join in Christ’s mission. 

As a response to our Universal Apostolic Preferences, below are two resources, for ministers and ministries of the spiritual Exercises, to help in our stewardship of this great gift.  We look forward to updating this page with more information soon.

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By Every Means Possible

Fr. General Arturo Sosa boldly invites us to offer the Spiritual Exercises “in as many ways as possible.”  This document presents guidelines for those in the ministry of the Spiritual Exercises.  Each constituency is invited to use these guidelines responsibly, with the tone of the Examen in a self-determined mission assessment.  Note: Spanish and French versions coming soon!

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Mission Examen

The Mission Examen is a suggested process designed to help claim and foster the specific charism of your retreat ministry.  The Examen, we know, is a prayer, and we hope this process deepens your sense of who you are before God.
Note: Spanish and French versions coming soon!

We resolve to offer the Spiritual Exercises in as many ways a possible, providing many people, especially the young, the opportunity to make use of them to begin or to advance in following Christ. Experiencing the Spiritual Exercises and the spirituality derived from them is our preferred way of showing the pathway to God through commitment to the redemptive mission of Jesus Christ in history. 

~ Fr. General Arturo Sosa, SJ; Letter accompanying Universal Apostolic Preferences