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The Midwest Jesuits Encompass an Area Comprised of the States of Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and Most of Northern and Eastern Illinois.

USA Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus

1010 N. Hooker St.
Chicago, IL 60642
Phone (800) 537-3736
Fax (773) 975-0230

V. Rev Karl J. Kiser, SJ, Provincial
Fr. James Prehn, SJ, Socius

The provincial has a leadership staff whose responsibilities are divided into the following areas. Click any name below to send an email

Matthew Couture
Pre-secondary and Secondary Education

Fr. Timothy R. Lannon, SJ

Jordan Skarr
Parish and Retreat Ministries

Quentin Maguire
Advancement and Communications

Fr. Charles Rodrigues, SJ

Fr. Daniel C. McDonald, SJ
Higher Education

Dave McNulty

Jane Glynn-Nass 

Fr. Chris Manahan, SJ
Senior Jesuits and Pre-Tertians

Rita Dollard O’Malley
Provincial Assistant for Ignatian Spirituality

John Sealey
Social and International

James Erler
Justice, Ecology, and Reconciliation

Fr. Paul J. Shelton, SJ

Br. John Moriconi, SJ
Province Secretary

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