2021 Diaconate Ordinations

Livestream of the Diaconate Ordination Mass

On Saturday, October 23, Midwest Jesuit Aaron Bohr was ordained to the diaconate by the Most Reverend Michael C. Barber, SJ, Bishop of Oakland.

The livestream of the Mass can be viewed in the player below.

On Saturday, September 18, three Midwest Jesuits—Matthew Donovan, Eric Immel, and Stephen Molvarec—were ordained to the diaconate at Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. A recording of the Mass is available below.

Meet the 2021 Diaconate Ordinands

Aaron Bohr, SJ

Hometown: St. Paul, Minnesota
Regency: Cristo Rey Jesuit High School-Twin Cities
Current assignment: Theology Studies, Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University

Matthew Donovan, SJ

Hometown: Houston, Texas
Regency: Saint Ignatius High School (Cleveland)
Current assignment: Theology Studies, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry

Eric Immel, SJ

Hometown: Green Bay, Wisconsin
Regency: Arrupe College 
Current assignment: Theology Studies, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry

Stephen Molvarec, SJ

Hometown: Williamsville, New York
Regency: Postdoctoral fellow, Marquette University
Current assignment: Theology Studies, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry