Lamm, William F. (Father)

May 27, 2015

Jesuit Father William F. Lamm, a staple at Scranton Preparatory School in Pennsylvania for nearly 30 years, died at 88 on May 27, 2015.

Lamm, William F.

Jesuit Father William F. Lamm, a staple at Scranton Preparatory School in Pennsylvania for nearly 30 years, died at 88 on May 27, 2015.

Jesuit Father William F. Lamm died on May 27, 2015, in Wernersville, Pennsylvania. He was a Jesuit priest for 57 years.

A native of Long Island, New York, Fr. Lamm graduated from Xavier High School in 1944 before entering the Jesuits at the Novitiate of St. Isaac Jogues in Wernersville. He received a B.A. in history from West Baden College (Loyola University) and completed his theological studies at Woodstock College in Woodstock, Maryland. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 23, 1957.

After briefly considering mission work, Fr. Lamm felt his calling would best be served teaching and working with high school students here in the States. After a brief assignment teaching English and history at Gonzaga High School prior to his ordination, Fr. Lamm moved to Scranton Preparatory School in Pennsylvania in 1959 where he found his home for the next 28 years.

There wasn’t a facet of Scranton Prep that Fr. Lamm didn’t have his hands in during his long tenure; including teaching English and Latin, ministering to students and faculty, acting as treasurer, even serving as custodian of grounds and buildings. In 1987, Fr. Lamm spent several years ministering at Manresa-on-Severn retreat house and then served more than 10 years as the assistant province treasurer and secretary until 2005. Fr. Lamm passed away at the Jesuit residence in Wernersville.