Ignatian Resources in the Time of COVID-19

Updated April 29, 2020

In the midst of uncertainty with the ever-changing landscape of COVID-19, as we adjust to the idea of “sheltering in place” and “social distancing” we are reminded to be centered on God and know that Christ is with us.


Join the online faith community in the tradition of St. Ignatius Loyola, numbering more than 100,000, which offers daily Scripture, Ignatian Reflection and Ignatian Prayer. Sign up for the email, visit the website, or download the free app.

TRADITIONAL DAILY VIDEO EXAMEN  Narrated by Fr. Jack O’Callaghan, SJ, this two-minute examen is perfect for any time of the day.

EXAMEN FOR LIFE DURING COVID-19 In light of the new set of circumstances many of us find ourselves living in with COVID-19, it is helpful to adapt the Examen to this unique situation. Presented courtesy of the Ignatian Spirituality Network.


JESUIT LUNCH HOUR  Each day two Jesuits are joined by a third for engaging conversation on a variety of topics. Always interesting, sometimes inspiring, occasionally funny, join us at 11:30 a.m. CST weekdays on Facebook Live.


The Detroit Jesuits are providing robust daily programming via their social feeds on Facebook and Instagram.

MONDAY – Music Monday
To begin the work week, we will share a music playlist featuring favorite and beloved tunes from Detroit Jesuits for meditation, reflection, prayer or to simply enjoy.

TUESDAY – Intentions Tuesday
We will hold in our private prayers the intentions left by Facebook and Instagram followers throughout the week. Prayer requests can be shared publicly or privately through a direct message and will remain in our Book of Intentions placed at the altars of each Jesuit community chapel in Detroit.

WEDNESDAY – Adoration Wednesday at 8 p.m. EDT
Join Detroit Jesuits for a live hour of silent adoration every Wednesday evening.

THURSDAY – Thursday Tips
Throughout the day we will post resources, ideas and reflections as we all remain in solidarity with each other through COVID-19.

FRIDAY – Weekly Examen at 4:15 p.m. EDT
As a post or streamed live, a Detroit Jesuit will guide you in an Examen to pray through this challenging time in our daily lives.

SATURDAY – Break Open Saturday at 4:15 p.m. ET
Participate in a guided meditation, Lectio Divina, imaginative prayer or other prayerful and reflective methods as we break open Sunday’s readings. Join live for an interactive experience.

SUNDAY – Holy Mass  at 11:15 a.m. EDT
Practice spiritual communion through a live stream of Sunday Mass with Detroit Jesuits.

Prayer Time: Morning Reflection  at 8 a.m. EDT
An opportunity to wake up and greet the day with God in a space of hope, faith and love with a family friendly morning post.
Evening Unwind at 8 p.m.
Join us live from a Jesuit community chapel on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday for a half-hour of silent prayer.

RESOURCE PAGE OF THE JESUIT CONFERENCE The Jesuit Conference offers Prayer, Video, Podcast, Online Retreat, and more

RESOURCES OF THE JESUIT CURIA IN ROME The Jesuit Curia in Rome, leveraging its worldwide reach, shares online reflections and resources from diverse regions such as Africa and Vietnam

• Fr. James Martin, SJ: Ignatian Spirituality Can Guide Us in the Storm
• A Meditation for the Anxious During COVID-19